    时间: 2021年04月07日 来源:孙少龙

        国家香蕉产业技术体系土壤肥料与水分管理岗位的论文“Efficient production of lignin-based slow-release nitrogen fertilizer via microwave heating”被国际农林领域顶级学术期刊《Industrial Crops & Products》(中科院一区,IF=4.244)录用发表。岗位专家樊小林教授和岗位成员孙少龙教授为通讯作者。该项工作得到了国家香蕉产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-31)的支持。


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摘要:首次将微波加热引入到木质素曼尼希反应中,以制备木质素基缓释氮。通过响应面法得到了制备高含氮量木质素基缓释氮的最佳条件(乙二胺的用量,微波加热温度和时间)。红外光谱结果表明,有机缓释氮被成功接枝到木质素的大分子结构中。元素分析表明,随着乙二胺含量(4.0-8.0 g)、微波加热温度(60-80 ℃)和微波加热时间(10-40 min)的增加,木质素中的有机氮含量逐渐增加(4.11-7.26%)。通过响应面分析,在乙二胺含量8.0 g、微波加热温度80 ℃和加热时间40 min的条件下,获得了最高木质素基有机缓释氮(7.84%)。接触角、扫描电镜、粒度、zeta电位和热重分析结果表明,木质素基缓释氮肥表现出良好的缓释性能。通过微波加热高效制备木质素基有机缓释氮,该方法处理时间短,操作简单,是一种极富潜力的木质素基有机缓释氮制备方法。以此木质素基有机氮作为缓释氮源配制肥料,将有助于促进工业木质素在农业领域的增值应用。

全文链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113481。


Wang, H.R., Chen, X.J., Zhang, L.D., Li, Z.H., Fan, X.L.,* Sun, S.L.,* 2021. Efficient production of lignin-based slow-release nitrogen fertilizer via microwave heating. Ind. Crops Prod. 166, 113481.



Microwave heating was first introduced into the Mannich reaction to prepare lignin-based organic slow-release nitrogen fertilizers. The response surface method was applied to acquire optimal conditions (amount of ethylenediamine, microwave heating temperature and time) for lignin with high organic nitrogen content. FT-IR spectra result revealed that the organic nitrogen was successfully grafted into the macromolecular structure of lignin. Elemental analysis showed that the organic nitrogen content increased (4.11–7.26%) in lignin with the ethylenediamine content (4.0–8.0 g) or temperature (60–80 °C) or time (10–40 min) of microwave heating increased. By response surface analysis, the highest organic nitrogen content (7.84%) was obtained under the condition (8.0 g ethylenediamine, 80 °C, 40 min). Contact angle, scanning electron microscopy, particle size, zeta potential, and thermal analysis results showed that lignin-based nitrogen fertilizers exhibited good slow-release properties of nitrogen. In short, lignin could be efficiently converted into organic slow-release nitrogen fertilizers by microwave heating. The approach with short processing time and simple operation was a potential method for preparing lignin-based fertilizer. The experiment will help to promote the value-added application of TL in the agricultural field.


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